About Aumdoc and this Website

My current passions make me a RattleHead. A decade ago, I left my 22-year practice of Holistic Obstetric & Gynecology. I moved to the north Georgia mountains to live with Mama Sara, in her mountain cabin. I am growing into a more feral gnomy Aumdoc every day. Ceremony has been important through my life. I have shared peak moments with many families. I started making rattles and bags, ‘personal ceremonial tools’, for myself and loved ones. I wanted to make more medicine, a lot more… welcome to Aumdoc’s RattleHead. This website is a gift to myself for my 70th birthday!
Informed by my life experience, these tools carry my good intent that people enjoy, and benefit from, their use. They don’t intentionally hold any intense shamanic archetypes. I’d like them to be unconditioned, clear and open… they are newborns, chuckle. Though I would say, they carry the potential to fulfill any and all archetypes you wish to engage. I make them to be…YOUR personal medicine rattle!

I have channeled my personal healing work into these handmade ceremonial tools. I like them to be fresh tools and hollow bones. I hope they become good friends with whoever receives them. Each individual can infuse their own Personal Medicine into the rattle. I know using your rattle will change it, and I hope it changes you… for the better. It’s your rattle, not mine.
Many healers, and self healers, use my rattles. You’ll find them in the hands of Bodyworkers and Energy Medicine Practitioners. They frequent Sound Healing and Plant Medicine Circles. They always make sense to me deep in the woods on a dark new moon night (I like a wrist strap so I don’t lose it). And I love it when someone gets one just for fun. Cause I find them full of fun, and so enjoy making them.
They make great gifts, for the right person.
about Aumdoc’s Holistic Medical Career
Richard Jay Clofine, DO, FACOOG, ABHM

I frequently get asked about my medical practice, which I discontinued in 2011. The focus of this website is my current passion of a Rattled Head. Here is some information, and links, to that history. I have not practiced medicine in 12 years and have retired from all personal healing work. This is for historical interest only.
I practiced medicine for 22 years in east metro Atlanta. My specialties were Obstetrics and Gynecology, Holistic Medicine (now called Integrative Medicine) and Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT). Lotus Obstetrics & Gynecology was my solo practice for the first 12 years. This included working out of 3 hospitals practicing Obstetrics (childbirth care) and Gynecologic Surgery. I was board certified in both Ob/Gyn and Holistic Medicine. Hands on bodywork, based in Osteopathic Medicine, was always an integral part of my care. I utilized OMT in a wide range of care, both therapeutically and for general health optimization. During my medical training I took a year off and completed a years fellowship in OMT. I will blog about all of this in the future.
After 12 years I decided to lighten my load and discontinued the hospital practice of Obstetrics and Surgery. For the next ten years my office based practice was Holistic GynEcology with an emphasis on Menopause Care. I practiced out of several offices with my main focus being Millennium Healthcare in Dunwoody, Georgia. This large group holistic practice supported me for 10 years, thank you. My last practice was Lotus GynEcology in north Georgia. A small solo office practice of Holistic GynEcology and OMT.

Then I had the good fortune to quit medicine and move in with my partner, Mama Sara. We live on 4 acres in north Georgia. Our cabin was built with her deceased husband, and her son & family. We love our garden, chickens, wild turkey & deer, woodpeckers, walking in the woods and so much more goodness to be had. And I truly love my current passion creating handmade ceremonial tools. Sara see’s me working at it and says that I carry beaver and woodpecker medicine.
I no longer practice medicine and do no personal healing work. I have channeled my healing work into my Rattles. Thank you for asking… here is more information about that time in my life. These are two OLD websites. Everything about them is OLD AND STATIC. Just a snapshot for you. REMEMBER: all the articles are old and are not updated. Please consider them in that context.