Hope it changes you for the better.
It’s your rattle, not mine .

“RattleHead: Personal Ceremonial Tools” are handmade with carefully acquired materials, and good clear intent. Initially I needed a rattle for personal ceremonial use, so I made one. Through its use, it was clear that I wanted to make more rattles, a lot more. Then I started making other tools I like. Welcome to where my head rattles.

Every Creation is Unique
Informed by my life experience, these ceremonial tools carry my intent for them to be clear, open and unconditioned… their newborns. They intentionally do not hold any intense shamanic archetype. They are ready to be shaped and molded by YOUR use and intent. They carry the potential to fill any and all niche’s of practice. They are made to be YOUR personal medicine rattle!
I relate to newborns, and like assisting in their delivery, since I practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology for 22 years in metro-Atlanta. Here are newborn rattles for you. I like them to be blank slates, fresh tools and hollow bones. I hope they become good friends with whomever receives them. Each individual can then infuse their own Personal Medicine into the rattle. I know using your rattle will physically change it, and I hope it changes you as well… for the better. It’s your rattle not mine.
They carry the potential to fill any and all niches of practice.
They are made to be YOUR personal medicine rattle!

RattleHead Personal Medicine Rattles are all handmade of the finest natural materials. I listen to the wood and make every rattle its own unique self.
THE HANDLES are harvested from downed trees where I live in the north Georgia mountains. My favorite wood handles are Sassafras, Cedar, Hickory, Maple, Birch and Honeysuckle. Sometimes the handles are straight, or crooked, or branched; often carved leaving natural features. The wood is frequently complemented by stone inlay. My favorites are dark blue Lapis Lazuli, green Malachite, light blue Turquoise and adobe colored Pipestone. On smaller rattles I often add a wrist strap made of buckskin, with a gemstone beads.
THE DRIED GOURDS are opened at both ends and then emptied of all pulp and seeds. I replace the seeds with seeds (popcorn). When ordering a ‘custom rattle’, you have the opportunity to put tiny pocorn kernal sized pieces of ‘your medicine’ (stones, gems, crystals, herbs) inside the gourd. This literally places your medicine inside your medicine rattle. The gourds are sometimes adorned with either colorful alcohol ink treatment; or the surface may be embossed with designs using a woodburning tool.
THE SOUND created by these rattles varies quite a bit. There is no one way to play these rattles! Hold them by the handle, hold them by the gourd. Shake using your shoulder, or your elbow, or your wrist, or just the nodding of a few fingers. Alternate soft and hard shakes to create many rhythms and patterns. Hold it vertically, slanted or horizontally, and you will notice subtle differences in the sounds you create. These are not made to be loud musician’s shakers (though many musicians use them).

RattleHead Leather Bags are all hand made by Aumdoc. All the leather is traditionally hand-tanned by folks I know. It is so much nicer than commercially tanned leather (IMHO).
THE LEATHER is exclusively deerskin that has been hand tanned in various ways. Mostly I use soft and sensual Buckskin suede leather. It comes in various tones from very light tan to darker brown. Other hand tanning methods result in a ‘finished’ smooth surface leather. The leather may be dyed by various natural sources like Hemlock Bark (dark brown) or Pecan Hulls (tan like pecans). I love combining the different leathers in various ways.
THE NECK BAG (sometimes referred to as a ‘medicine bag’) hangs around the neck, sitting on the chest. It is meant to hold your personal special secret treasures close to your heart! My neck straps are braided buckskin and hemp cord (in various combinations and colors). They are bound with an adjustable bead to alter length. After adjustment, the ends of the cord can be trimmed and re-tied if desired. Neckbags close using fancy glass, or shell, buttons through a button hole or with a loop around the button Some have a drawstring closure (see below). These bags may be hand sewn with an awe, or laced together using long strips of buckskin.
THE DRAWSTRING POUCH has no neckstrap, though it does hold your treasures well. Usually round in dimension with a top that pulls open and shut. Open by pulling apart the leather tags, or matching beads. Close by pulling apart the different colored beads. Sweet and easy! The bags might be hand stitched with an awe, or laced with cord of buckskin. The stitching may show, or the bag might have been inverted to hide the stitching.

Other items I make would include SMUDGE WANDS, GOURD BOWLS and GOURD OIL LAMPS, FLUTE BAGS, CLICK STICKS. These items are intermittently available. The Smudge Wands are made with feathers from Wild Turkey or Pheasant.

“These tools carry the intent, and energy, of being clear, open and unconditioned… They are newborns.”
Available Products
Honeysuckle 2 gourd Rattle with inlay$55.00
Honeysuckle Rattle with inlay$60.00
Cherry Rattle with ‘wormy’ inlay$75.00
Flat Cherry Rattle with inlay$50.00
Long Maple 3 gourd Rattle with inlay spots$75.00
Big Cedar Rattle – 2 color, 2 gourd with inlay$75.00
Long Honeysuckle Rattle – 3 gourd ‘dumb bell’ with spiral inlay$75.00
Cherry Rattle with inlay$60.00
Big Black Walnut Rattle with inlay$80.00
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